A composition of 24 mathematical loops/knots.
Each piece is created using a hybrid technique that involves Indian-ink drawing, digitalization, laser tracing, engraving, and acrylic paint on cotton paper

My soul’s an amphicheiral knot
Upon a liquid vortex wrought
By Intellect in the Unseen residing
While thou dost like a convict sit
With marlinspike untwisting it
Only to find my knottiness abiding,
Since all the tools for my untying
In four-dimensioned space are lying,
Where playful fancy intersperces,
Whole avenues of universes;
Where Klein and Clifford fill the void
With one unbounded, finite homaloid,
Whereby the Infinite is hopelessly destroyed.
James Maxwell (1878)

From binding arrowheads to shafts and uniting stone tools with handles, to microscopic loops and twists of protein binding, knots conduct a silent symphony of structural intricacies. Unlike the knots securing sails or fastening tools, mathematical knots and loops are transcending the material constraints of their physical counterparts, existing in the abstract spaces of topology.
As part of mathematical topology, the study of knots delves into the properties of configurations that remain invariant under deformations. The concept of equivalence classes, where knots are deemed identical if they can be transformed into one another through continuous deformations, gives rise to a rich tapestry of Knot Atlas and The Rolfsen Table cataloging the unique knots. The nuances of crossings, twists, and turns become symbols in a language that transcends the corporeal. Loops, imbued with a self-contained continuity, invite contemplation on the nature of closed structures and their manifold implications.They become crucibles of melting sensory and cognitive experience of crossing a space.
Modern topology, a discipline that evolved from the intuitionist and constructivist mathematics by L. E. J. Brouwer finds its roots in contemplating geometric features of invariant shadows’ deformations. Intriguingly, the phenomenon was studied by Jean-Victor Poncelet during his imprisonment in Russia after Napoleon's invasions, as part of reparatory contemplation. Topology, with its focus on the intrinsic properties of shapes that remain invariant under deformations, shares a kinship with the abstract and conceptual nature of our personal projections and deformations in space and time - including critical travels, dislocations, or search for new home. The nature of migration is essentially linked to fluidity and transformative qualities inherent in topological concepts.