A situation of separation is theme of the work 21 red Golf. Departure from the family home in Prijedor, the emotional hub of personal identity, has been with no exception accompanied by the ritual of spilling a water bucket over the road by my grandmother. Slavic / Illyrian custom which should bring good luck to the leaving traveller. In addition, what I'm also sure seeing on departure from an extended area of ​​the house - Bosnia and Herzegovina, are red VW Golfs which act as extended grandmother's water spilled over the road till Croatia, where they mysteriously disappear. The drawing of the act of spilling water has been followed by the description of a brief talk inside the car on the road to leave Bosnia and a digital print that includes topology of the taken path/road. This path has been eventually translated into one of the "mental strings", which are in particular treated within the work entitled Strings.

Situacija odvajanja je tema rada 21 crveni golf. Odlazak od rodne kuće u Prijedoru, emotivnog čvorišta ličnog identiteta, bez izostanka biva propraćen ritualom prolivanja prepune kante vode od strane bake - staroslavenski/ilirski običaj koji treba da donese sreću na putu. Pored toga, ono što me takođe obavezno ispraća na odlasku iz proširenog prostora kuće - Bosne i Hercegovine, su crveni VW golfovi koji kao produžena voda bakine kante, prelijevaju ceste do ulaska u Hrvatsku, gdje i mistično nestaju. Crtežu čina prolivanja vode i kratkoj deskripciji razgovora sa suprugom, dodaje se i topologija putanje do izlaska iz BiH. Ta putanja je vremenom prevedena u jednu od “mentalnih struna”, koje se posebno obrađuju kao odvojen rad Strings/Strune.

  • Research: Moving Chronotopes
  • Medium: Drawing, Text, Collage
  • Year: 2016
  • Dimensions: 4 drawings, 42x30cm